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Spaces and Energy Analysis

Space Types and Categories

Space types and categories support energy analysis workflow in space planning. With the use of space types and categories you can create 3D spaces that comply energy analysis workflow. The types and categories available are: Void, Plenum, Interior and Exterior. Their properties are defined in SpaceEnergyAnalysis.xsd schema and maintained in Building Space Catalog Types. The parts of these categories are included in the space family.

Energy Analysis related Space Types and Categories.

The Void category, for example, will have no label and marked with a cross [X] in the space boundary.

The plenum space type used in energy export that determines the maximum vertical distance to bridge to another space.

ASHRAE/CIBSE Classification

ASHRAE and CIBSE standards classifications in Space Type are used in Energy Analysis workflow.

The SpaceType (classificationtypes - ASHRAE 2004, 2007, 2010, & CIBSE) is defined in SpaceEnergyAnalysis.xds definition. This schema sets compatible calculation standards for Analytical Space Model. It incorporates Std 62.1 table 6-1 and ASHRAE Std170 table 7-1 to the list of available "Space Types" including Outside Air Requirements. The Space types have properties defined for outside air requirements based on cfm/person, cfm/sf, or both cfm/person and cfm/sf and also ACH. Desired classifications for spaces targeted for energy analysis can be set through property setting in the Create Space dialog.

Space Type - ASHRAE 2004, 2007, 2010, and CIBSE Classifications.

The configuration variable BB_ ENERGY_CALC_STANDARD defines the default Energy Calculation Standard to be used. When set the variable will filter the available Space Types classification for Spaces and Analytical Materials assignments available in Part > Analytical Materials.

3D Spaces for Energy Analysis

3D spaces can be created using the free form shapes and solids.

Solids and shapes, such as one drawn using the (Place Free Form) can be converted to 3D space. Applying the Place By:Select Shape placement option in the Create Shape workflow on a given shape will apply current Space Type properties to the 3D shape being created. This shape maintains the height set for the form solid and that is treated as ceiling height. You can however modify the space height as required, by simply dragging the Roof Edit handle vertically. Such shapes are the 3D spaces and they are compatible in the workflow of energy analysis.

A free form shape being converted to 3D space.

Bounding Spaces

Bounding elements in Architectural space having Space bounding property set to true, create analytical space. A range of nodes that form a bounding box. The elements that bound or are between spaces could be walls, doors, windows, ceilings etc.